Why the Lifepack CR Plus Defibrillator ?

Simple Design and simple to use yet full of advanced technology, is the reason why the CR Plus Defibrillator its so good. When a person is struck down with a Sudden Cardiac Arrest the rescue scenario should be as simple as possible.

The Lifepack CR Plus does this well with only two steps to get it working.

  • Firstly turn on the defibrillator
  • Secondly Attach electrodes to the patient and listen to the voice prompts from the unit.
As a result you have a much less complex unit than other defibrillators, while allowing a rescuer to focus on giving good CPR. Also the Lifepack CR Plus has a high level of compliance to the ANZCOR  / Australian Resussitation Council guidelines.

Compliance to Anzcor guidelines includes;

  • Fast time to shock, 1 min 33 sec,
  • Escalating joules therapy and
  • Default initial energy of 200 joules
The Physio Control Lifepack CR Plus is one of the best entry level units on the market.      

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