Join our referral program

Together we can make even more places heartsafe.

We want your help to make more homes, workplaces, and community spaces heart safe. We’re really grateful you chose to get your defibrillator from us and hope you’ll introduce us to your friends, family and colleagues. If they purchase an AED from us we will recognise the referral with a gift an a special offer.

The gift

Existing customer? Each time someone you recommend purchases an AED from us we will donate $50 to the Heart Foundation on your behalf.

The offer

Been referred by a friend? If you decide to get your lifesaving AED from us we will give you an alarmed cabinet, wall sign, basic life support chart and first responder kit for free. Don’t need a cabinet? Have a chat to the team and we’ll tailor something for you.

The referral offer

+ Free alarmed cabinet

+ Free wall sign

+ Free first responder kit

+ Free basic life support chart

Been referred by someone?

Get an AED and your free cabinet

Product Enquiry